Thursday, July 19, 2012

Respect My Vote


Local group wants younger generation to get involved in the democratic process

COLUMBUS, Ga. -- The Young Minority Leaders hosted a political candidate meet and greet. The sponsors had better attendance from those seeking office and their supporters than citizens from the community.

The president of the Young Minority Leaders said she wanted young folks to have an avenue to get involved with city officials and go to the polls but said the summer time hurt the attendance.

One of the concerned citizens who showed up brought her two young daughters.

“Teaching them how to actually run a campaign and [showing them the] different things that candidates have to do if they want to be eligible to run for political office when they get older,” said Latshia Archibald.

Natasha Hall, the president of the Young Minority Leaders, said she hopes the young folks who did attend will feel inspired and informed.

“I feel like the generational gap is starting to show because we aren't training anyone else to step up to the plate and become leaders,” said Hall.

Hall said to get more young folks to participate in their next candidate meet and greet her group will go door to door informing folks.

(Source: WRBL -