NO JUSTICE! NO PEACE! I AM TRAYVON MARTIN! I AM TRAYVON MARTIN! This award goes to Trayvon Martin, his family & all of my brothers that are racially profiled! My name is Natasha Hall the President of Young Minority Leaders and on behalf of the organization we would like thank the The Courier Eco Latino Newspaper and the community for thinking of us in such an honor. We would like to thank God and all organizations that have helped us achieve this recognition. Young Minority Leaders was founded to empower, encourage and embrace the youth and young adults of our community. We are more than just a name and beyond just a movement – we achieve what we believe! As an activist for a change starting with this community we follow the footsteps of the late great Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks allowing their bodies to rest in peace as we carry on the legacy of freedom, justice and equality.
A quote fitting for this achievement from Barack Obama during the Arizona State Commencement Speech back in 2009, he said “I've come to embrace the notion that I haven't done enough in my life. I've come to confirm that one's title, even a title like president of the United States, says very little about how well one's life has been led. No matter how much you've done or how successful you've been, there's always more to do, always more to learn, and always more to achieve.” Thank You!